…Hey Big Spender…

I’ve never been one to ‘bash’ the Kardashian sister’s on the manner in which they make a living. I know people always say that Kim Kardashian is “famous for being famous.” Those girls make millions of dollars each year because they allow us to follow their every move. Yes, they are reality stars. But hey, I don’t knock it. Kudos to them for finding an easy and fun way to make money and running with it.

They’re all over the place! And if you’re like me (have a crazy, busy life filled with work and reading stuffy law opinions all day), then you enjoy the entertainment these girls provide! I like that I can watch their show and not have to analyze ANYTHING!

I’m getting off topic here, so let me find my way back!

Oh yeah — good for the Kardashians for finding something that they’re good at and making a career out of it.

So, the other day I was thinking about all of this and I finally realized that I do have a problem with this! I don’t care about how shallow others may find them, or how much they may spend on their 72-day marriages (like I said, I’m a fan). My problem lies in the fact that they make money by doing exactly what they would be doing anyways and here I am spending money so that one day I can MAKE MONEY!!! 

I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars (literally) to educate myself so that one day I can make enough money to provide for my family and just — live. I think it’s disgusting how much it costs someone to invest in their future! I mean, I’m looking to do something positive with my life, and I’m working hard to get there, but it’s costing me an arm and a leg!!

I’m not saying that the Kardashian sisters don’t have to work to get to the top, I’m sure they work longer hours than most folks with all those businesses they endorse and own!  However, they sure don’t have to dish out thousands of dollars to only make hundreds!

So many people don’t attend college because they’re turned off by the massive amounts of debt that come along with it. It shouldn’t be like that. Schools need to take a step back and realize that they’re doing a disservice by charging so much money. And don’t get me started on the government; in my opinion they’re just not doing enough. If only there were more incentives for going to college (like a job market for one!!), people may find it easier to make the decision to enroll.

Enough with my ranting though. I’m probably writing this because Sallie Mae recently flooded my inbox with emails about the balance of my loans!! Lol.

In the end, I don’t have a problem with celebrities like the Kardashians. Like I said, I do believe that they have worked hard to get to where they are. And I have to admit I love some of the items in their clothing lines (I bought a pair of Kardashian shoes from their line at Sears and they’re to die for!)!

The problem isn’t that they have it too easy, it’s just that us college students have it too hard.

So I guess I’ll continue being a “Big Spender” against my own will.  =)

But enough negativity, let me leave you with something positive:

“The secret to success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching.”
– Dennis Green


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